Baptism is an outward expression of your decision to follow Jesus Christ. The Bible describes how believers were baptized immediately upon placing their faith in Christ. We host baptisms once a year, typically in the Spring. If you're interested in becoming baptized and wish to demonstrate your faith publicly in this way, please contact Pastor Mel Svendsen.


If you have a new addition to your family or would like to publicly dedicate your children, we would love to include you in this very special part of our worship service. The dedication is a time of prayer, public affirmation and commitment to raising a child in accordance with God's will, and signifies support from the church body for both the child and family. For more information or interest, contact Pastor Mel Svendsen, or our children's ministry director, Janae Kramer.


The process to become a member of Riverview Church begins with a membership class. This is an opportunity for anyone to spend some time getting to know the pastoral staff, the vision of Riverview Church ,and have lunch together. Watch the bulletin to find out when the next one is scheduled, or call the church office to express an interest.