Women's Ministry

Our Tasting Room Women's Study offers two days per week for you to get involved. We offer a Wednesday morning study, as well as a Thursday evening study. Currently the Tasting Room Ladies are in a Video Series Study on the Book of Isaiah. There is still time to sign up for this, you can register online or at the door.  
Coffee Break meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am in the main worship center. After a time of fellowship, brunch and worship the ladies break out into their small groups throughout the church.  This study the ladies are focusing on Christian Virtues. Both Coffee Break and Tasting Room offer childcare for the Wednesday morning studies. There is still time to sign up for this ladies study.
MOMLife strives to nurture mothers and bring them into deeper relationships with fellow moms and with God. This is a place where women can come to be supported by those who are in the very same season of life and to be encouraged by those who have already walked the path ahead of them. We are open to  moms with children of all ages; infancy through teens. Come join us! Meetings are held Spring and Fall. Childcare is provided.
Our Ladies Fountain of Fitness Class meets on a weekly basis here at Riverview. This is lead by Darlene Castellana. This a ladies only seated fitness class, but don't let that fool you. Darlene knows how to get a great workout in. This time is led with lots of praise and worship songs. All are invited to join -contact Darlene with any questions,
Quilts are a tangible item that can bring comfort to people who have a special need or challenge in their lives. The idea of this ministry is to bring together those who love quilting to create quilts while praying for the folks who will be receiving them. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday each month, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. They would love for you to join them! If you would like to request a quilt for someone, please contact Jeanette at the church office at 760-941-1430.

Up Coming Women's Events

December 7th   Women's Christmas Dinner