2024 Ensenada Mission
July 28 - August3
Team Info Page

Going to Mexico, Sunday, July 28, 7 am. You and your stuff need to be at the lower parking lot of the church. If you are going to be late, call John Howard so we can plan around your lateness.
Fundraising -If you have met the goal or asked 5 - 10 people, stop asking people but don't turn away any donations. If not write, email, text, or talk to some potential donors.
Testimony - Write or update your testimony and get it to John Howard. See pages 7 & 8 in the Team Member Handbook for help.
Homework for June 28 - Pack and study your VBS and drama assignments.

Change: We'll meet at 7 am on Sunday, July 28 to go to Ensenada instead of 7:30

Prep Session Dates:
1 – Sunday, June 2, 12:30 pm
2 – Sunday, June 9, 12:30 pm
1st Time Team Members – Saturday, June 15, 8:30 am
3 – Sunday, June 23, 12:30 pm
4 – Sunday, July 7, 12:30 pm
5 – Sunday, July 14, 12:30 pm
6 – Sunday, July 21, 12:30 pm