Wisdom From Above - Part 2 | Message from Pastor Mel

Jul 7, 2024

Wisdom From Above - Part 2 | Message from Pastor Mel

Life Changing Faith - The Book of James

Bottom Line: Believers in Jesus Christ are to love the wisdom that comes from above and to reject any infiltration of the wisdom of this world into their lives because it only leads to separation from God and His amazing plan.


1. God's wisdom leads ultimately to good outcomes. James 3:13; Proverbs 1:7; Proverbs 2:6-8; Proverbs 3:5-6

a. God's wisdom naturally "shows up" in real life. v.13

b. God's wisdom is done in meekness v.13


-not weakness

-not about a prideful display of your intelligence or your "superiority"

-Biblical meekness is seen in a person's desire that all the glory must go to God.

2. God's wisdom fights against jealousy and selfish ambition. James 3:14-18; 1 Corinthians 1:25; James 1:5

Adopting the wisdom of the world results in....

Loss of Focus | Lack of Perseverance | Not Serving | Avoiding Personal Time w/the Lord |

OK w/ Offensive Actions | Reduced Desire for Teaching | Ignoring Internal Toxins |

Numb to Sin & False Teachings Around You

The Beautiful Qualities of Wisdom from Above: James 3:17

Sincere | Impartial | Full of Mercy... good fruits | Open to Reason | Peaceable | Pure