Danger of Discontentment | Message from Pastor Mel

Jul 14, 2024

Danger of Discontentment | Message from Pastor Mel

Bottom Line: Discontentment is as old as sin itself. We must find in Christ all that we need and be content in every situation we find ourselves in as God moves us toward becoming a better person that is passionate about accomplishing God's goals for our lives.

1. Discontentment puts you in conflict with others and God. James 4:1-3

"Contentment": Being satisfied, thankful, and joyful

for what you have through Christ with no need or

demands for more. It is a powerful quality that

aids a person in conquering all the

circumstances of life.

If Jesus Christ is your preeminent (superior to

all others) passion, then it…

A. Resolves the war within you v. 1

B. Reduces the war with others. v. 1

C. Reveals the way we should pray. v. 2-3

2. Discontentment is fueled when we align ourselves with the thinking of this world.

James 4:4-6

“Friendship with the World” (Worldliness):

When a believer exhibits actions, attitudes, or opinions that violate principles or commands in

God’s Word.

A. Friendship with the world = compromising what is right. v. 4

B. Compromising what is right = opposing God. v. 4

C. Opposing God = restricting the work of the Holy Spirit in us. v. 5

D. Restricting the work of the Holy Spirit = developing destructive pride. v. 6

3. Our contentment in Christ will be fueled by a humble, submissive spirit! James 4:7-10

Plan of Action:

A. Submit to God.

B. Resist the devil

C. Draw near to God.

D. Take steps toward purity

E. Be willing to move from "brokenness"

F. Remember the reward