Taming The Tongue | Message from Pastor Mel

May 5, 2024

Bottom Line: We, as believers with genuine faith, must be committed to honoring and obeying God in WHAT we say and the WAY in which we communicate with those around us.


1. Get your communication under God's control... completely! James 3:1-2

a. Teachers - Realize your _________________ v. 1

b. Believers - Realize your _________________ v. 2

2. Consider the impact of how you communicate... soberly. James 3:3-5

3. Identify the destructive tendencies in your communication.. humbly. James 3:6-8

4. Deal with your n eeded "speech changes"... aggressively. James 3:9-12

Now What?

1. Pray humbly asking the Lord to convict you of changes you need to make in your communication.

2. Ask a spouse or close friend which tendency exist in your life reassuring them that you won't become retaliatory or defensive.